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Working with business owners, entrepreneurs, founders and individuals to reach the next step of their journey and define the road to success.

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As business owners, entrepreneurs, founders and individuals we have a lot on our plate:

-  We can sometimes get overwhelmed by the number of tasks we have

-  We can lose focus on what our priorities are and where we are heading

-  We sometimes face complex situations that we're not sure how to handle

-  We have a problem that needs blue sky thinking or a fresh view point to resolve

-  Or sometimes we just need a space where we can 'brain dump' and work through

    what we need to focus on, or what's keeping us awake at night

Does any of this sound familiar?

My aim as a coach is to help you tackle these, or other similar issues, with a view to helping you focus on the important stuff and define the road to success.

About Coaching

Why would business owners, founders, entrepreneurs or individuals use the services of a coach?


My clients work with me to gain focus, up their game and take their companies, careers and personal lives to the next level.  Clients know that they will achieve more, and become a lot more efficient and effective with a coach.

One-to-one coaching allows you to dictate what we discuss or I can gently lead us if you’re not entirely sure what has brought you to me.  Coaching will give you a space to explore your current situation, what it is you want, why you want it and how we get you there.  For some people it is just the opportunity to have some time to unload your thoughts and discuss (or rant) about the week.

A coach is someone who believes in you.  As a coach I will regularly remind you of this but I won't be afraid to call you out where necessary or hold you accountable.


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About coaching

How many coaching sessions will I have?

There is no right answer here.  You will have as many coaching sessions as you want to reach the outcome that you are looking for.  Coaching is outcome driven, so part of what we will do both as an overall exercise and within each session, is to define the outcome you are aiming for.  

How will I know it's working?

My aim is that you come out of each session feeling positive with a sense of achievement.  Perhaps you will have identified something that you need to do, or someone that you need to talk to.  Perhaps you'll have set yourself something to think about, or perhaps you will have come up with an action plan for the next steps you need to take.  Each session is different and tailored to you and what you want to achieve.  At the end of each session you should feel that you are further along your journey than you were before.

What if I can't articulate exactly what it is I want to discuss, or what my issue is?

Part of my role is to question you and be curious about your answers.  By doing this I will help you define what it is you want to discuss if it's not immediately apparent .  I am totally guided by what you say, why you say it and what you wish to discuss.  A coaching session is client led - my skill is to help you focus on the topic and/or to think about things in a different light. 

About me

About me


I was born and bred in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa and studied a business degree at the University of Cape Town .  After a number of years working in an independent financial consultancy, and then a business re-engineering consultancy I left South Africa for the United Kingdom.


I spent my first two years running an IT project for The Scottish Executive based in Edinburgh, and then came to London to join Complete Accounting Solutions, an independent accounting and outsourced bookkeeping company, which I have run since 2004.  Our clients are business owners, entrepreneurs and founders, and most of our clients are small and growing business.  As a trusted adviser to our client companies I spend some of my time doing accounting work, but a good portion of my time involves speaking to business owners, entrepreneurs and founders about a variety of issues they are facing - from marketing to structure to staff issues and priorities.  So looking back, I have already been mentoring and coaching my clients as part of my role, and I really enjoy this element of my work.

Since I own my business, and therefore consider myself a business owner and entrepreneur, I can also draw on my own experience when discussing particular issues or scenarios or challenges with my clients.


So when the opportunity presented itself to complete a diploma in transformational coaching with Animas, this seemed like an ideal time to get some formal training in coaching so that I can spend more of my time coaching business owners, entrepreneurs and founders, since this is my passion.

I now live in North London with my partner, Matt, and my cat Nelly.  




"Harry has been an amazing coach, helping me put in place a plan to leave the country, leaving my business to be run in my absence.  He helped me focus on the most important areas that needed my attention the most - making sure that I had my priorities in place."

TRW, Business owner & entrepreneur - retail sector


"Harry Glasstone was my business coach for 6 weeks and he has helped me make changes to my life which have improved my business and the way I work.  Before Harry, I was working 14 hours days on the business and I was piling the pressure on to make my business an overnight success.  I didn't realise I was putting myself under pressure until I started my sessions with Harry.  He has helped me build work life balance and come up with a plan to get my business to where I want it to be.  I highly recommend Harry for business coaching."

EDW, Independent marketing consultant

"I would absolutely recommend Harry as a coach.  His methods of having me ask myself about the reasons and non-obvious origins of my issues has been very effective and helpful.  His help has been fundamental in helping me analyse and consider my issues from a different perspective.  The process has helped me find answers and possible solutions to my problem.  He provides a very comfortable environment and encourages conversation."

AA, Business owner - language school

"I can't recommend Harry highly enough.  When I was at a crossroads in my working life, my sessions with Harry really helped set me on the right path.  He is kind, clever, insightful and really helped me find the best way forward.  Speaking to Harry nudged me out of some of my assumptions about myself, my career and my abilities in a very positive way.  On top of that, working with Harry is a thoroughly enjoyable experience."

SO, Founder- communication consultancy

What I offer

What I offer


One off coaching taster session

This is a one off session where you can experience the value and power of coaching for yourself (no charge)

Regular coaching sessions


For those working towards a longer-term goal, a regular coaching session can help you keep on track, stay accountable or access coaching around a specific challenge/set of challenges.

'Make a change' package

Work with me over three months to achieve a deeper change or attain a specific goal. Package includes 6 x 1hr coaching sessions.

Book a call

Book an introductory call


If you're looking for some coaching, or even if you're looking to understand more about the process and how it may be able to help you, please book an introductory call with me using the link below.

Contact details

Contact details


phone:  +44 (0) 20 8133 9194                         

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